Coral Nail Polish of Every Color

Posted by Cary Gannon on

An eye-catching and friendly tone, coral nails say “I’m ready to make a new friend, and visit an old one.” They’re the star of the show, without being gaudy. They’re bright and optimistic, without wearing you out. The color coral is a subtle shade of pink with hints of yellow creating a natural hue, symbolizing positive energy and connection to nature. The same shade can be found in blues and greens, which complement each other in the most satisfying way. Our coral nail colors are made vegan and cruelty-free, and without harmful chemicals, yet are long-lasting, chip-resistant, and vibrant in color. 

Bright Coral Nails

bright coral nail polish

A warm and refreshing tone, bright coral nail polish gives off good vibes everywhere you go. It’s one of our favorite casual colors, perfect for beachcombing or relaxing with friends at an outdoor restaurant. At work, bright coral brings in a bit of much-needed cheer. California Love is a bright-colored, peach-tinted coral nail polish that has that added perk of being guilt-free.

Light Coral Nails

light coral nail polish

Like sunset on your fingertips, our light coral nail polish is a lighter, subtler variety of coral: orange and pinkish with little hints of neon. We like to think it looks like a sunset, with the splashes of cheerful, sunny colors. We could all use a little bit of the cheer trapped in this bottle. Did we mention it’s vegan?

Coral Pink Nails

pink coral nail polish

Next in line is an unapologetic, unstoppable shade of pink that just can’t be beat. Coral pink nails are boldly stylish with those coral undertones that are so easy to love. Called Ginger, our coral pink nail polish is inspired by a certain fiery woman, and to us, wearing this polish is a vow to be proudly unrelenting. We’ve never actually seen ocean coral this color, but that doesn’t stop it from looking amazing with ocean blue.

Coral Blue Nails

blue coral nail polish

Speaking of coral colors that don’t exist outside a palette, coral blue nail polish is just plain adorable. Blue Lagoon is a coral blue nail polish that looks delicate as a snowflake and gentle as a breeze, but don’t let the look fool you: the nail polish is chip-resistant and made to last. It really pops when worn with a white jacket, or decorated with black and white nail art. 

Coral Green Nails

coral green nail polish


Bear with us a little longer, but hear us out: coral green nail polish. Once again, we’re not asking anyone to find green coral out in the ocean, but if you’re looking for a shade of green that goes perfectly with coral nail polish, meet Skeeflink. The natural springtime tint of this polish creates a perfect balance for the pinker shades of coral, and matches well with nearly any floral color, making it perfect to have on hand for nail art. 

Matte Coral Nails

For matte coral nails, you just need to add one special ingredient: matte top coat. Our matte top coat imbues your nail art with a rich tactile sensation, a smoothness and understated elegance you can see and feel. It’s honestly a bit addictive. To achieve this look, apply 2 to 3 layers of your favorite coral nail polish then let it dry completely before applying a single layer of matte top coat. Don’t forget to apply a bit of top coat to the underside of the nail for extra chip resistance. 

If you love these colors, definitely check out our spring bundle with four bright, warm colors. If you’re running out of any supplies, we carry vegan nail care products with a carefully selected list of ingredients (no parabens, sulfates, formaldehyde, or a dozen other chemicals we keep out of all our products). Happy styling!

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  • I just read your blog and I’m loving the vibrant range you’ve showcased! Coral is such a versatile shade, perfect for any season or occasion. I particularly enjoyed how you highlighted different undertones and finishes to suit various preferences.

    As for a suggestion on
    creative nail polish packaging for sale, how about incorporating eco-friendly materials like bamboo or recycled paper for a chic and sustainable look? You could also play with interactive packaging designs, like a miniature nail art kit attached to the polish bottle, inspiring creativity right out of the box! Can’t wait to see your future posts!

    customukpakaging on

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